People Counting.
For Better Business.

Measure visitors’ behaviours within your premises, and optimise your operations for maximum ROI.

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People Counting For Better Business

Comprehensive Range of People Counting Sensors

Made in the UK. In-house design. We are a manufacturer of people counting system, offering 6 devices for various needs and environments.

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Comprehensive Range of People Counting Sensors

Continuous AI-Business Optimisation

Proven operation optimisation tools tailored to your industry. Easy to use for functional executives, aligned with common goals.

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Continuous AI-Business Optimisation

Key Technology of Your Digital Transformation

You may have millions square feet of space, employing thousands of employee, and require consistent service delivery. FootfallCam has been recognised as the leader in the People Flow Management.

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Key Technology of Your Digital Transformation


IS Icon Love Earth DONATING



to charities, helping them enhance their
services and better serve their communities.

FootfallCam People Counting System FootfallCam People Counting System


Small Businesses Button

Small Businesses

Large Retailers Button

Large Retailers

Shopping Malls Button

Shopping Malls

Offices Button


Smart Cities Button

Smart Cities

Library Button


Washrooms Button


Museums Button


Transportation Button


Airports Button


Food Establishments Button

Food Establishments

Supermarkets Button


Universities Button


Small Businesses Button

Small Businesses

Small Businesses

1“When is the busiest day and busiest hour of my store?”

2“How many customers make a purchase when they visit my store?"

3“How long do my customers spend in my store?”

Small Businesses

FootfallCam offers independent retailers a platform to have an overview of their visitor traffic pattern through real-time footfall data and other key business metrics.

Large Retailers Button

Large Retailers

Large Retailers

1“We would like to increase our sales by 4% this year, how should I go about achieving that?”

2“I’ve spent half a million in a promotional campaign, is it well spent?"

3“Which store is understaffed? And which store is overstaffed”

Large Retailers

FootfallCam offers retailers a platform to streamline their workflow through the utilisation of footfall data and the integrated AI engine.

Shopping Malls Button

Shopping Mall

Shopping Malls

1“I want to optimise my tenant-mix, how can I measure the location effectiveness?”

2“I’ve spent half a million in a promotional campaign, is it well spent?"

3“Which area is understaffed? And which area is overstaffed”

Shopping Mall

FootfallCam offers mall operators a platform to streamline their workflow through the utilisation of footfall data and the integrated AI engine.

Office Button



1“Do we have sufficient meeting rooms and collaboration areas?”

2“How can we remodel office layout for the new hybrid working mode?"

3“Are the washrooms being cleaned adequately? Are the cost being effectively managed?”

Smart Office
Office Utilisation Icon
Space Booking ANalytics Icon
Washroom SLA Icon
Real Estate Portfolio Management Icon

FootfallCam offers offices and real-estate managers a platform to optimise their portfolio management through the utilisation of occupancy data and the integrated AI engine.

Smart Cities Button

Smart Cities

Smart Cities

1“Managing the crowd effectively in the timely manner is essential, how can I automate this?”

2“How can I better manage the traffic growth? Which section of the road experiences constant congestion?"

3“What is the utilisation rate of the public facilities?”

Smart Cities
Vehicle Analytics Icon
Pedestrian Analytics Icon

FootfallCam offers city councils a platform to optimise their city planning through the utilisation of pedestrian counting data and the integrated AI engine.

Library Button



1“How can I justify for additional fundings for future developments?”

2“What is the utilisation rate of the facilities across my library?"

3“How popular are my book club events throughout the year?”

Library Patron Analytics Icon
Marketing ROI Icon

FootfallCam offers libraries a platform to monitor their patron analytics and campaign effectiveness through the utilisation of footfall data and the integrated AI engine.

Washroom Button



1“Which washroom is under-cleaned? And which washroom is over-cleaned?”

2“Do I need to recruit more cleaning staffs or reduce the number of staffs?"

3“How can we redistribute users more evenly to reduce waiting time for using the washrooms?”

Smart Washroom

FootfallCam offers facility managers and cleaning agency a platform to streamline their workflow through the utilisation data of washrooms and the integrated AI engine.

Museum Button



1“What is the traffic pattern of my museum? When is the busiest day?”

2“What is the most popular exhibit in my museum?”

3“I would like to audit my ticket sales, how can I do that?”

Museum Patron Analytics Icon

FootfallCam offers libraries a platform to monitor their visitor analytics and exhibit popularities through the utilisation of footfall data and the integrated AI engine.

Transportation Button



1“What is the occupancy of bus at different hours?”

2“What is the utilisation rate of bus routes? How effective is the current bus route planning?”

3“What is the arrival time of bus at each bus stop?”

Bus Route Icon

FootfallCam offers bus operators a platform to optimise their bus route planning and enhance passenger experience through the occupancy data and the integrated AI engine.

Airport Button



1“What is the queue length at different check-in counters? Do I open more counters?”

2“What is the average waiting time at security checkpoints?"

3“What is the processing throughput of our service counters?”


FootfallCam offers airport operators a platform to enhance their passenger experience through the utilisation of queue counting data and the integrated AI engine.

Small Businesses Button

Food Establishments

Food Establishments

1“Speed-of-service is the key for QSR, how can I optimise the serving time?”

2“On average, how many people are queuing up to place their orders?"

3“Do I need to allocate more staffs to ordering counter or kitchen to fulfil orders?”

Small Businesses Button

FootfallCam offers Food Establishments a AI-powered platform to automate their workflow through the queue counting data, in order to optimise the customer experience.

Supermarkets Button



1“How can I manage the staff level on checkout counters to reduce the queue waiting time?”

2“On average, how many people are queueing up to make payments?"

3“How many checkouts do I need to open now in order to reduce the queue?”


FootfallCam offers Supermarkets a AI-powered platform to automate their workflow through the queue counting data, in order to reduce the queue length and waiting time.

Universities Button



1“How many students have attended classes at the Main Building?”

2"Which facility has the highest usage, and when is it being utilised?"

3“What is the current occupancy of the library? When is the busiest hour?”


FootfallCam offers university management a platform to have an overview of their visitor traffic and the facility usage through IN/OUT footfall data and other key business metrics.

Together with
Our Partners

In partnership with our partners, we have supported over 30,000 businesses, encompassing both large enterprises and small establishments, serving across multiple industries.

About FootfallCam



Helping retailers to increase their sales revenue by 3-8%.

Shopping Malls


Helping mall operators to increase their rental revenue by 10-15%.



Helping bus and public transport operators to enhance their route and resources planning.



Helping offices to optimise their real-estate portfolio and reduce cost by 18%.

Good job, teams!

FootfallCam has earned recognition as the global leader in the "People Flow Management" category at the Top 10 Data Analytics SaaS award ceremony.

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Top 10 Data Analytics Solution Provider 2023

Partner Training Day

Exclusively for FootfallCam Partners, a series of upcoming training workshops! Contact us for the topics and secure your slot today.

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FootfallCam Partner Training Day

Nominated for
Global Awards 2023/24

FootfallCam has been nominated for the Global Awards 2023/24, recognised as a pioneering force in the people counting industry.

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Special Recognition Award by Jobstreet

In recognition of the commitment to recruiting and growing talents in AI and Research & Development.

Join Our Team Now
FootfallCam - Special Recognition Award by Jobstreet

Global Leader in People Counting System

FootfallCam excels in price performance ratio. Key factors:

“Whole Product”

Customisable Workflows

Competitive Pricing

Why FootfallCam
FootfallCam People Counting System - People Counting System for Businesses

Solutions and Applications

People Counting System for Businesses

FootfallCam People Counting System - FootfallCam 3D Pro2 Product Showcase


FootfallCam 3D Pro2™ Product Showcase

FootfallCam People Counting System - Counting People IN and Out of Your Store

Features Showcase

Counting People IN and Out of Your Store

FootfallCam People Counting System - FootfallCam Shopping Malls Solution Training (Level 1)


FootfallCam Shopping Malls Solution Training (Level 1)

FootfallCam People Counting System - People Counting System for Retail Stores

Solutions and Applications

People Counting System for Retail Stores

FootfallCam People Counting System - Smart Office Solution-FootfallCam

Solutions and Applications

Smart Office Solution - FootfallCam

FootfallCam People Counting System - Suitable for All Environments

Features Showcase

Suitable for All Environments

FootfallCam People Counting System - Smart Washroom Solution - FootfallCam

Solutions and Applications

Smart Washroom Solution - FootfallCam

Questions? We are here to help.

Whether you have an idea or a specific requirement, feel free to reach out to us or our trusted partners. We are dedicated to providing assistance to businesses of all sizes and across diverse industries.

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