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Tips for System Integrators When Pitching People Counting Systems to Customers

“While selling people counting solutions seemed challenging, our perception of the need for complexity changed. With FootfallCam’s support and expertise, we’ve embraced new opportunities successfully, making it worthwhile.”

– A FootfallCam’s Partner.


Many system integrators may feel uneasy about selling people counting solutions, perceiving it as a specialised and complex business application. However, this is not the case. Comprehensive people counting solutions are currently unavailable in most countries, and our partners play a crucial role in facilitating their deployment. We have numerous partners who have successfully secured significant sales orders, helping them tap into new market segments for business expansion.

#1 Choosing a Right Partner

Customers are generally open to considering solutions that bring added value to their businesses. Their primary focus lies in the strategic benefits rather than just features. When investing in a system, customers expect long-term reliability. It’s crucial for FootfallCam and our partners to demonstrate that our solution is the market’s best and ensure trust by providing reliable maintenance and support for the system’s longevity.

#2 FootfallCam Demo in Action

All suggested solutions must be supported by real-world case studies and comprehensive demonstrations. It’s essential for customers to witness the solution in action. Typically, customers prefer not to be the first to implement a particular solution. It’s worth noting that while competitors may offer similar solutions, not all can provide full demonstrations, often due to their inability to deliver a “whole” product.

Go to Live Demo > 

#3 Service Level Agreement

One of the key concerns for customers is the assurance of continuous support after the sale. FootfallCam can manage initial support levels, but it’s crucial to include the option of field service in the agreement. If FootfallCam can’t meet the expected field service standards, other partners can be enlisted to provide this necessary support.

Service Level Agreement > 

FootfallCam is here to help.

FootfallCam has a dedicated team of engineers and account managers to support your projects. Especially for the first few projects, you may not possess all the specialised technical skills, and FootfallCam is here to ensure that all projects are completed to your full satisfaction. It is important to reassure our partners that FootfallCam can handle all uncertainties. By choosing FootfallCam, you can save time and minimise risks.

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