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  • #222 Enhanced – API Integration
#222 Enhanced – API Integration

FootfallCam is a fully embedded software module intended for any environment where footfall counting is required. The newly enhanced API integration enables users to integrate ePoS data to FootfallCam, or integrate footfall data to Business Intelligence systems seamlessly for producing management reports for strategic corporate planning.




Export from FootfallCam Counter to Business Intelligence


The counter automatically collects traffic data and convert them into JSON/XML data file that may be retrieved via a provided API script. The data file will be directly extracted from the FootfallCam counter into the business intelligence system for further data processing to generate management report.




Import from ePoS to Analytic Manager


With a provided API script call, ePoS used by store managers may send a http request to the central server of FootfallCam. The data will then be further processed and use to generate report in the FootfallCam Analytic manager.




Export from Analytic Manager to Business Intelligence


FootfallCam users may choose to extract footfall data directly from the central database of FootfallCam through establishing a remote connection to the database. The data may be extracted from the relevant table within the database to the business intelligence system.



FootfallCam strive to continuously improve the user’s experience. We believe that with the enhancement to our API integration, users will be able to integrate their sales data with the Analytic Manager easier and may make informed business decisions. The update is currently live and no actions are needed from the users’ side to update the software.

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#footfall analytics

#people counter in Netherlands

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#footfall counting

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