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#220 Identifying the Trends of Your Visitors

People counters are experiencing an increase in usage throughout the globe. Today, people counter is an essential evaluation tool to measure store performance. However, in the era of information overload, the fundamental principles behind visitor count metric is not always transparent, especially for users new to people counters.




Insight #1


Compare this year’s Christmas trend with last years’

FootfallCam integrates artificial intelligence into its Analytic Manager to generate predictive analysis based on historical data. Retailers are able to answer:


1. What is the level of footfall I should expect this Christmas?
2. At which hour should I allocate more staff to accommodate the level of incoming traffic?
3. Do I have enough stocks to avoid a shortage for the incoming traffic?



Insight #2


Identify Areas to Improve

With a holistic view of the visitor count into an entire week including the weekend, retailers will be able to identify the peak hours of the store and hours with the lowest traffic. Retailers are able to answer:


1. Am I capitalising on visitor opportunities?
2. When do I get the most traffic?
3. Should I hold promotional event during low traffic hours?
4. How can I optimise the allocation of my staff to save labour costs?


Retailers that understand the true value and contribution of people counting solutions and their offerings to the business are able to utilise the solution to determine crucial insights that were previously unavailable to retailers. People counting insights offer suggestions and analysis that were unable through sales and transaction data alone.


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