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#217 Installing in Shopping Centre



HST Co. had surveyed multitude of people counters in the marketing before settling in using FootfallCam. The prominent reason HST Co. had settled on using FootfallCam as opposed to other people counters were the certainty and authenticity of the data that is provided by FootfallCam, in addition to the fulfilment of the specificity of the needs of HST Co. The shopping mall wanted to use FootfallCam to answer three questions:

  • How many potential customers do they really attract to the mall?

  • What marketing activities generate bigger people traffic?

  • How differentiate rent cost according to objective?

FootfallCam was able to provide HST Co. with an all-purpose solution with the new FootfallCam 3D+ model. FootfallCam even committed to the success of HST Co. by developing a new report in its entirety just to meet the specific need of HST Co.


Visualise the Flow of Traffic

The traffic flow analysis report customised by FootfallCam specifically for the optimisation to suit the specification of HST Co. allowed the shopping mall to visualise the incoming and outgoing flow of traffic, which pave the way to creating an efficient environment that will enhance the users’ experience of shoppers. With the inception of traffic flow analysis, HST Co. was able to determine the number of customers they attract into the mall based on the number of passers-by. The traffic flow analysis report went beyond the need of HST Co. and supplied the shopping mall with the information of the directional flow of visitors once they were in the mall. HST Co. was able to use the information supplied by identifying neglected areas of the shopping mall and began investing more resources in an attempt to populate the area.


Enhance the User Experience

HST Co. realises that a defining factor in the shopping behaviour of visitors in shopping malls correlate with the environment. HST Co., by deploying a network of FootfallCam throughout its entire store was able to identify areas that are underused and use to create opportunities for improvement. HST Co. was also able to find the patterns in the movement of visitors in all different time frame, whether it is day or night, and in different aggregation level of data whether in hourly, daily, or weekly. HST Co., was able to make periodic changes in their mall based on their data generated by FootfallCam and had created a better shopping experience for users.


Identify the effectiveness of Marketing Campaigns

HST Co. means of measuring marketing effectiveness is by analysing the success of events, campaigns and different media channels used in different zones across the mall. HST Co. was able to gain a better understanding on the segments of customer and visiting behaviour based on interests and allowed the management to make informed decision on different type of campaign to use. HST Co. measured their marketing campaign by comparing the footfall figures before, during, and after campaign to calculate return on investment and used the figures to plan future marketing activities effectively.


Measure Anchor Occupancy

HST Co. utilised the metric Zone Analytic exclusively available for shopping malls to analyse the visitor behaviours in different zone to gain more insight and actionable plans to the generated data of visitor count, visit duration, and frequency of visits per visitors.  The Zone Analytics feature quantifies sales opportunities that each zone generates, allows shopping centre to the most popular area within the shopping centre and allow shopping mall owners and the likes to adjust the rental cost of key spaces accordingly. HST Co. used zone analytic to compare the traffic flow between different departments in the shopping mall and diminished the rental cost of units in low performing locations. HST Co. also used the feature to identify neglected areas that require attention and allocate resources to improve the situation by reviewing if the zone is having the right tenants mix based on the customer segments.

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