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  • #212 Introducing the Drop Pole
#212 Introducing the Drop Pole

FootfallCam is introducing a new product: The Drop Pole. This new complementary product will bypass the minimum height limitation exhibited by the counter and make accessibility to reliable counting data easier than before.

Extensive Reach

The drop pole is used for elevated ceilings that are not within the height requirements of FootfallCam. With the installation of the drop pole, the FootfallCam will be able to install in ceilings as high as 8 metres.

Simple Installation

The drop pole is designed to require minimum work and effort to install. The installation of the drop pole can be completed in as easy as four simple steps.

When Is a Drop Pole Necessary?


Revolving Door

The drop pole will be able to mitigate the obstruction caused by the air cushion and provide accurate counting data. When the entrance is using a revolving door and there is no suitable place for a wall bracket, a drop pole can be installed.

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