Tailored Pricing Packages for Smart Washroom

Get started with our people counting system, explore our range of packages designed to meet your business needs.

Washrooms in Tower Buildings

Cost effective solution to manage all toilets in a multi-storey building using mesh network infrastructure. Suitable for customers who wish to optimise washroom cleaning operations within a building with minimal infrastructure costs.


  • Measuring the number of visitors using the washroom
  • Send Cleaning alerts via Washroom Management App when usage threshold is reached
  • Optimise Cleaning Resources - Plan Cleaning Schedule based on Historical Data
  • Cleaning Staff KPI
  • IoT devices to monitor cleanliness and the level for washroom essentials
  • Send alerts for washroom cleaning and replenishment
  • Wireless solution using LoRA protocol and radio frequency (RF) to connect all devices in the building
  • Saves cost and planning needed by minimising cabling works

Equipment used:

For a 10 storey building with 2 washrooms each floor:

  • 20x 3D Mini for washroom visitor count
  • 4x Mesh Hub to connect all devices in the building
  • 120x Space Sense for cubicle occupancy
  • 80x Depth Sense for dustbin, toilet roll, soap level monitoring
  • 20x Smell Sense for odour level monitoring
  • 20x Dashboard to show cubicle availability
  • 20x LCD Touch Screen for User Feedback
  • 1x Washroom Management App to receive and manage cleaning tasks


  • Visitor Count (In/Out)
  • Live Occupancy Count
  • Reaction time to Cleaning & Replenishment Demand
  • Number of cleaning tasks completed per staff
  • User Satisfaction Ratings
FootfallCam People Counting System - Smart Washrooms in Tower BuildingsWashroom System Design

Washroom on Public Venues

Cost effective solution to manage all toilets in open space public venues (zoo, theme parks, etc.) using mesh network infrastructure. Suitable for customers who wish to optimise washroom cleaning operations over venues with large areas, where washrooms are far apart from each other.


  • Measuring the number of visitors using the washroom
  • Send Cleaning alerts via Washroom Management App when usage threshold is reached
  • Optimise Cleaning Resources - Plan Cleaning Schedule based on Historical Data
  • Cleaning Staff KPI
  • IoT devices to monitor cleanliness and the level for washroom essentials
  • Send alerts for washroom cleaning and replenishment
  • Receive instant feedback from users
  • Wireless solution using LoRA protocol and radio frequency (RF) to connect all devices in the venue
  • Saves cost and planning needed by minimising cabling works

Equipment used:

For a 10 storey building with 2 washrooms each floor:

  • 10x 3D Mini for washroom visitor count
  • 10x Mesh Hub to connect devices that are far apart from each other
  • 60x Space Sense for cubicle occupancy
  • 40x Depth Sense for dustbin, toilet roll, soap level monitoring
  • 10x Smell Sense for odour level monitoring
  • 10x Dashboard to show cubicle availability
  • 10x LCD Touch Screen for User Feedback
  • 1x Washroom Management App to receive and manage cleaning tasks


  • Visitor Count (In/Out)
  • Live Occupancy Count
  • Reaction time to Cleaning & Replenishment Demand
  • Number of cleaning tasks completed per staff
  • User Satisfaction Ratings
FootfallCam People Counting System - Washroom on Public Venues
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