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#201 Retail Sales in US Surged in 2017

Source: US Census Bureau, Advanced Monthly Retail Trade Survey, May 12, 2017

Retailers throughout United States experienced an unforeseen jump in sales revenue in January of 2017. Sales revenue were raised by 0.4% over December 2016, and over 5.6% over 2016. The deputy chief economist of PNC Financial Services Group credited the sales jump due to higher gasoline prices, and better fundamental conditions for household spending. Additionally, the increase in sales is also attributed to the growing scarcity in available labor. It is expected that consumer spending will only continue to grow throughout the year

of 2017 as unemployment throughout the United States is slowly eradicated. Consequentially, the US is becoming more reliant on retain shoppers in order to drive financial growth due to the stagnant growth of online shopping.

Retailers can commit to enhancing the shopping experience and receive multitudes of data for all within one unit of Footfallcam. Retailers can use Footfallcam to improve operational efficiency, human capital resource planning, monitor sales conversion, and consumer brand loyalty. Furthermore, retailers do not need to heavily invest in a people counting solution system due to the With the rapid inflow of customers in US, it is becoming increasingly visible that not only is in-store experience a key factor in the satisfaction of consumers, but a force in sales conversion performance and brand loyalty. Retailers that are unable to measure this statistic is guarantee to fall out in the competition. Retailers throughout the US needs to seize this opportunity to maximize their potential as consumers are reverse transitioning to bricks and mortar. Retailers can meticulously analyze the incoming data they receive from their consumers in order to strategically plan their marketing and pricing technique. Retailers can evaluate and compare the different branches of stores and determine the changing factor between a high conversion store and a low conversion store.

Retailers can commit to enhancing the shopping experience and receive multitudes of data for all within one unit of Footfallcam. Retailers can use Footfallcam to improve operational efficiency, human capital resource planning, monitor sales conversion, and consumer brand loyalty. Furthermore, retailers do not need to heavily invest in a people counting solution system due to the free cloud server provided by Footfallcam. The cloud server gives retailers the flexibility to view all of their reports for all branches of a brand in a single location. Retailers are also allowed to create their own sub-accounts to let store level managers to monitor their own store and make adjustments as needed.

People counting solutions has been proven to play a crucial role in assisting retailers in understanding consumers and optimize store environment. The visit duration feature of Footfallcam allows managers to review how long each visitor is visiting the store. This gives managers the insight of whether their displays are effective, and store environment is fully optimized in gaining sales against visit duration. Another feature of Footfallcam is returning customers and cross shopping. Returning customer is the simplest way for retailers to track brand loyalty since it tracks whether a customer has been in the store before through wi-fi. The cross-shopping feature allows retailers to measure the number of customers that are moving from another branch of the retail chain.

Overall, Footfallcam play an imperative role in enhancing store delivery service, and provides five different metrics for gauging the store performance against sales. These five metrics pave ways for retailers to better analyze the behavior of their consumer and tailor products and marketing strategies to their likings.

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