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People Counting System with Support & Services

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FootfallCam extends its support for project deployment on a global scale.

  • People Counting
  • Europe
  • Serbia

People Counting in Serbia

Српска привреда је доживела снажан раст последњих година, са предузећима која улажу у АИ и ИоТ технологије како би се повећала ефикасност и повраћај улагања. ФоотфаллЦам партнери у Србији, са канцеларијама у већим градовима, укључујући Београд, Нови Сад, Ниш и Крагујевац, помогли су малопродајним радњама, тржним центрима, канцеларијама, фабрикама и туристичким атракцијама да мере понашање посетилаца. Они користе податке да оптимизују пословање и остану конкурентни. ФоотфаллЦам уређаји су одабрани због њихове поузданости, тачности и конкурентне цене.

Local Case Studies

Some of our local deployments across multiple industries.


    Esotiq, a popular lingerie brand deployed FootfallCam people counters in their Serbian retail stores to help calculate conversion rates by comparing the visitors to actual purchases. It provides insights into the effectiveness of the store layout, product placement, and sales strategies.

    Local Case Studies

    Space Modern has deployed FootfallCam people counters in their Codename concept store to understand customer behavior, such as popular sections of the store, areas with high dwell time, and the effectiveness of promotional displays.

    Local Case Studies
  • LUNA

    Luna, the brand specialised in female fashion, implemented FootfallCam people counters in their stores in Serbia. By analysing foot traffic data, Luna's management optimise staffing levels, manage queues, and improve overall operational efficiency.

    Local Case Studies

    Jacadi, a global leader in children’s fashion, implements our retail solution to monitor its store performance. This solution offers various metrics such as sales conversion and customer return rate, providing insights into the store's effectiveness and location viability.

    Local Case Studies

    As one of the top smartphone vendors in the world, Huawei utilises FootfallCam 3D Pro 2 to gain detailed insights into consumer behaviour and achieve full transparency in the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.

    Local Case Studies

    Triple Jump Group in Serbia has implemented FootfallCam people counters in their prominent brand stores, including Converse, Bpolar, and Lindex. The precise footfall data delivered by our people counters, coupled with our analytics software, assists Triple Jump in enhancing operational efficiency across their retail outlets.

    Local Case Studies

    Buddha Bar is a global chain of upscale bars and restaurants. They have installed our people counter at their branch in Serbia for business decisions insights, which helps the management understand trends, peak hours, and the overall popularity of the venue.

    Local Case Studies

    The convenience store, Trafika, has deployed a people counting system in its outlet in Belgrade. By providing critical metrics such as sales conversion, turn-in rate, and customer traffic trend, the technology enables the store to identify areas of strength and weakness.

    Local Case Studies

    As a famous domestic retail chain of consumer electronics, computers and computer equipment, CT Shop deployed FootfallCam people counters in their Serbian stores to analyse their cross-site customer footfall traffic. By understanding the footfall pattern, CT Shop can allocate their resources more efficiently.

    Local Case Studies

    Vulkan, a well-known bookstore chain in Serbia, installed FootfallCam people-counting system in their store in Jurija Gagarina. By understanding peak hours, the bookstore optimises staffing levels to ensure that all customers are assisted and provide a better overall shopping experience.

    Local Case Studies

    Located in major cities of Serbia, Jeordie's the clothing brand installed footfall counters in their stores to offer insights into the number of visitors entering and exiting the store, helping them understand patterns of foot traffic, peak hours, and overall store popularity.

    Local Case Studies

    Balkan Bet is a well-known Serbian betting and gaming company. They have installed our people counters in their stations in Nehruova, Novi Sad, Ruma and Vidikovac to manage customer flow and analyse cross-site footfall traffic for their continued success in the industry.

    Local Case Studies

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