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Time Series Comparison

Time series comparison widget allows data analysts to compare the same metric of a granularity across different periods.

When a dataset is selected, some default value will be set and render the basic widget. Data analysts may update the selectors accordingly to achieve the desired analysis.



Time series comparison widget is used to analyse the targeted metrics for the desired entity by selected time resolution, comparing for different period.

[1] Metric

The metric available will be dependent on the dataset selected. Kindly refer here for the full list of dataset available. In time series comparison widget, only one metric can be selected at one time. If you would like to compare multiple metrics, please refer to Metrics Comparison Widget.

[2] Entity

The entity list will display all available sites / site groups / areas / area groups based on the dataset and granularity selected. You may select the desired entity or select all in a group for comparison.

[3] Time Resolution

Time resolution decides the interval for x-axis. In our system it comes with hour, day, week and month.

[4] Period

The time series period is ready with relative date range and compared period.

Relative Date Range

Relative date range is dynamic time interval in relation with today, for our system, we ready with compare period of preceding period and preceding year.

Type Current Period Compared Period
Day Today
Preceding day
Same day last week
Same day last year
Week Last 7 days including today
This week
Last week
Preceding period
Preceding year
Month Last 30 days including today
This month
Last month
Preceding period
Preceding year
Year Year selector -
Custom Custom date range Custom date range


Time series comparison widget also comes with line graph display mode, data analysts may change the chart type using the toggle at the top left corner.

Use Case

Time series comparison analytics allows user to compare the metric in different period. For showcase purpose, we will be using the following setup as example:

Metric: [PFC01_11] Footfall Count IN_Visitor People
Entity: Site
Time Resolution: Day

The most common data analytics for time comparison will be comparing last 7 days data with previous week and same day last week, as follow:


Besides, comparison by day for a specific month, compared to last month and same month last year will also be useful as well.



If you wish to have customise date range comparison, for example comparing the footfall for spring bank holiday and summer bank holiday, it can be achieved by using custom date range which you could select the current period date range and compare period date range.



Updated on February 17, 2024