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People Counting System with Support & Services

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Buy With Local Support and Installation With Our Trusted Partners

Where to Buy

FootfallCam extends its support for project deployment on a global scale.

  • People Counting
  • Africa
  • Namibia

People Counting in Namibia

Met 'n diverse ekonomiese struktuur het Namibië se ekonomie uitsonderlike groei beleef, aangedryf deur sy sterk myn- en toerismesektor. Die ekonomiese lewenskrag het 'n toenemende vraag na mense telstelsels teweeggebring regoor kleinhandelwinkels, winkelsentrums en openbare plekke. FootfallCam het plaaslike vennote in Namibië en sal omvattende oplossings en voortdurende instandhouding aan besighede regdeur die sleutelstede, insluitend Windhoek, Walvisbaai, en Rundu, kan bied.

Local Case Studies

Some of our local deployments across multiple industries.


    The native sportswear and fitness brand, JB Active, has equipped its outlets with traffic counters. This technology analyses footfall trends in the stores, offering insights into peak hours, which aids decision-makers in allocating staff efficiently to ensure an optimal shopping experience.

    Local Case Studies

    With stores across South Africa and Namibia, Steve Madden, a renowned footwear and accessories brand, enhances its retail insights with FootfallCam 3D Pro2. This enables the brand to optimise marketing strategies and customer engagement initiatives for a better experience.

    Local Case Studies
  • PNA

    PNA, the stationery retail chain, has deployed footfall sensors in its outlets across South Africa and Namibia. By monitoring customer numbers and shopping patterns, it gathers insights for optimising store layout, supporting its strategy for nationwide expansion.

    Local Case Studies

    The prominent retail conglomerate, JD Group, has implemented FootfallCam in its HiFiCorp outlets in Oshana and Windhoek. This system provides retail insights to management, enabling them to evaluate the performance of regional stores.

    Local Case Studies

    FrontierCo, the authorised distributor of fashion brands, has installed footfall sensors for its Aldo stores across South Africa and Namibia. The installation offers real-time occupancy data, enabling them to assess whether increased footfall contributes to sales growth.

    Local Case Studies

FootfallCam: Your Project Partner

Whether you are an end user or a reseller, we are eager to collaborate with you on your projects.

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and I have a business requirement for people counting. I would like to explore if your products may help.”

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I am an end user

and I would like to buy people counters in my country. Do you have any local representatives?”

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I am a reseller

and I am selling IT products in my region, and I am interested in adding People Counting products in my portfolio.”

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Do You Have a Bid?

We welcome bids of all sizes and all industry, regardless of whether they are at an early or later stage of the bidding process, we are eager to participate in your bids and collaborate with a partner to provide the best solution for your business needs.

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+1 (0) 321 320 8043

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+852 (0) 279 43188

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Bandar Sungai Long, 43000 Kajang,
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+60-(3) 9011 2413

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